About IEF - Universidade de Coimbra

The Institute of Philosophical Studies is a Research & Development Unit based in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra that hosts doctorate Philosophy investigators of all origins – while members – and that is opened to all those – as collaborative members – wishing to join the philosophical investigation or deepen it. The Institute of Philosophical Studies supports the training and initiation of young investigators and provides institutional expression and disclosure to the high-end philosophical investigation, in the several dimensions in which Philosophy is still materializing today. It is its conviction that the philosophical meditation and work are a real path to rethink a heritage, think and acknowledge the appeals from today, and provide an answer for the more urgent challenges of an always inquisitive future. With a solid history and an unmatched international expansion, the research work of the Institute of Philosophical Studies is achieved in the several Research Groups, in which all members are organized, promote Conferences, Permanent Seminars in Philosophy, Open Classes, publications and national and international contacts aiming the philosophical exchange of the highest level and accuracy. The Institute of Philosophical Studies welcomes all those who wish to visit or associate with it.

Lexicon Philosophicum 9 – “Superstitio”, ed. by C. Buccolini and E. Pasini

More information and download The latest issue of Lexicon Philosophicum: International Journal for the History of Texts and Ideas is out. The journal is published by the Institute for the European Intellectual Lexicon and History of Ideas (ILIESI - CNR). [...]

By |2023-01-19T09:32:46+00:00January 19th, 2023|News|0 Comments

Quaestio N. 22: “For a History (and Prehistory) of Ontology: Method, Lexicon, Concepts”, ed. by F. Fronterotta, A. Ragni

More information and purchase Quaestio No. 22 came out. The volume contains a special issue on the History of Ontology, edited by Francesco Fronterotta and Alice Ragni. An additional special section is devoted to John Duns Scotus and His Legacy. [...]

By |2023-01-06T12:42:24+00:00January 6th, 2023|News|0 Comments

“Aristotelianism and Magic in Early Modern Europe: Philosophers, Experimenters and Wonderworkers”, ed. by D. Verardi

More information and purchase Magic is central to Aristotle's philosophy in this wide-ranging collection of essays that re-frame his natural philosophy. From late Mediaeval and Renaissance discussions on the attribution of magical works to Aristotle, to the philosophical and social [...]

By |2022-12-21T08:39:35+00:00December 21st, 2022|News|0 Comments

“Mirabilis Scientiae Fundamenta: Der Anfang Der Kartesischen Philosophie”, ed. by D. Arbib , V. Carraud , E. Mehl , W. Schweidler

More information and purchase The Lord gave it to him in his sleep... Four hundred years ago, in Neuburg, René Descartes dreamed up the method of "wonderful science" that was to become the foundation of rational science in modern times. An [...]

By |2022-12-21T08:20:47+00:00December 21st, 2022|News|0 Comments

“The Mechanization of the Natural World, 1300-1700” – 25-28 May 2023 @ Stockholm University

Mechanism or mechanical philosophy as defended by philosophers like Thomas Hobbes, René Descartes and Pierre Gassendi, offering a general picture of how the physical world is to be explained, is often seen as a replacement and rival to Aristotelianism. This [...]

By |2022-12-17T09:43:17+00:00December 17th, 2022|Events & CFP|0 Comments

“Ramon Llull y los Lulistas (Siglos XIV-XX)”, ed. by Rafael Ramis Barceló

More information and purchase This book comes out as a joint project between the Institute for Hispanic Studies in Modernity (IEHM) and the Spanish Province of the TOR of St. Francis. Since a systematic study of the dimensions of the [...]

By |2022-12-12T18:38:30+00:00December 12th, 2022|News|0 Comments

“Peter of Auvergne, Questiones super I-VII libros Politicorum. A Critical Edition and Study”, ed. by Marco Toste

More information and purchase This volume is the first complete critical edition of Peter of Auvergne’s Questiones super I-VII libros Politicorum. The Questiones was produced at the Faculty of Arts of Paris sometime between late 1291 and 1296 and is the earliest surviving [...]

By |2022-12-12T11:50:33+00:00December 12th, 2022|News|0 Comments

“Compreender, descrever, Medir o mundo. Cosmoteoria de António Castel-Branco. Um curso lecionado na Universidade de Évora (1588)”

More information and purchase The work Cosmotheoria (Cosmotheory) is an introductory course on geography and the use of some mathematical instruments (astrolabe, celestial globe, altimetric scale among others). It reflects university lectures given by the Jesuit António de Castel-Branco in Evora [...]

By |2022-12-10T22:51:50+00:00December 10th, 2022|News|0 Comments

Journée d’étude “François de Sales (1567-1622). Métaphysique, spiritualité et controverse”

  Adresse ENS – 45, rue d’Ulm – Paris Ve Salle W Organisé par : République des savoirs et le Centre d’Études Cartésiennes Responsables : Dan Arbib (ENS/République des savoirs), Alberto Frigo (Université de Milan/Centre d’Études Cartésiennes), Thomas Gueydier (Institut Catholique de Rennes) Programme: 09h45 : Vincent Carraud, [...]

By |2022-12-10T09:57:11+00:00December 10th, 2022|Events & CFP|0 Comments

“Reformation in the Low Countries, 1500-1620”, by Christine Kooi

This accessible general history of the Reformation in the Netherlands traces the key developments in the process of reformation – both Protestant and Catholic – across the whole of the Low Countries during the sixteenth century. Synthesizing fifty years' worth [...]

By |2022-12-10T09:38:48+00:00December 9th, 2022|News|0 Comments

“Atoms, Corpuscles and Minima in the Renaissance”, ed. by Christoph Lüthy and Elena Nicoli

More information and purchase The Renaissance witnessed an upsurge in explanations of natural events in terms of invisibly small particles – atoms, corpuscles, minima, monads and particles. The reasons for this development are as varied as are the entities that [...]

By |2022-12-09T18:36:21+00:00December 9th, 2022|News|0 Comments

“Descartes in the Classroom. Teaching Cartesian Philosophy in the Early Modern Age”, ed. by Davide Cellamare and Mattia Mantovani

More information and purchase The volume offers the first large-scale study of the teaching of Descartes’s philosophy in the early modern age. Its twenty chapters explore the clash between Descartes’s “new” philosophy and the established pedagogical practices and institutional concerns, [...]

By |2022-12-09T18:36:51+00:00December 9th, 2022|News|0 Comments

“Projections of Spanish Jesuit Scholasticism on British Thought”, ed. by Leopoldo J. Prieto López and José Luis Cendejas Bueno

More information and purchase Spanish Jesuits such as Francisco Suárez (1548-1617), José de Acosta (1540-1600), Pedro de Ribadeneira (1526-1611) and Juan de Mariana (1536-1624) had a powerful impact on English thinkers of the magnitude of John Locke (1632-1704), Francis Bacon [...]

By |2022-12-09T18:37:17+00:00December 9th, 2022|News|0 Comments

“Libertad, ley y poder. Bien común y Derechos humanos en la obra de Francisco Suárez”, by Isabel Lafuente

More information and purchase This book deals with the issues, the problems and the solutions that Suárez's iusnaturalistic philosophy poses and offers to human beings and society as regards the notions of freedom, law and power. As Suárez's principle and [...]

By |2022-12-09T17:46:37+00:00December 9th, 2022|News|0 Comments

“Immanent Transcendence Francisco Suárez’s Doctrine of Being”, by V. Salas

More information and purchase Long considered one of late scholasticism’s most important thinkers, Francisco Suárez has, paradoxically enough, often been treated only in relation to other medieval authors or as a transitional figure in the shift from medieval to early [...]

By |2022-12-10T09:40:26+00:00November 10th, 2022|News|0 Comments

“Parts, Wholes, and Matter in Early Modern Natural Philosophy”, ed. by Simone Guidi

More information and purchase Bruniana & Campanelliana 2022/1 features a special section, edited by Simone Guidi, on "Parts, Wholes, and Matter in Early Modern Natural Philosophy". Section Contents: Simone Guidi, Introduction; Andrew W. Arlig, Part-Whole Interdependence and the Presence of [...]

By |2022-12-09T18:43:33+00:00November 9th, 2022|News|0 Comments
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