Davide Cellamare, Ph.D. (2015), Radboud University Nijmegen, is FWO Senior-Postdoc at KU Leuven. He has published numerous articles on late medieval and early modern psychology (with a special focus on the institutional and confessional contexts), as well as on Cartesianism.
Mattia Mantovani, Ph.D. (2018), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, is FWO Junior-Postdoc at KU Leuven. He has published numerous articles on medieval and early modern epistemology and perception theory – with a special focus on Descartes – and on the role of diagrams in science.
List of Figures and Tables
Davide Cellamare and Mattia Mantovani
1 Descartes and the Classroom
Theo Verbeek
2 The Philosophical Fulcrum of Seventeenth-Century Leiden: Pedagogical Innovation and Philosophical Novelty in Adriaan Heereboord
Howard Hotson
3 Teaching Cartesian Philosophy in Leiden: Adriaan Heereboord (1613–1661) and Johannes De Raey (1622–1702)
Antonella Del Prete
4 Reassessing Johannes De Raey’s Aristotelian-Cartesian Synthesis: The Copenhagen Manuscript Annotata in Principia philosophica (1658)
Domenico Collacciani
5 “Let Descartes Speak Dutch”: Spinoza’s Circle Teaching Cartesianism
Henri Krop
6 Patronage as a Means to End a University Controversy: The Conclusion of Two Cartesian Disputes at Frankfurt an der Oder (1656 and 1660)
Pietro Daniel Omodeo
7 Cartesian and Anti-Cartesian Disputations and Corollaries at Utrecht University, 1650–1670
Erik-Jan Bos
8 Between Descartes and Boyle: Burchard de Volder’s Experimental Lectures at Leiden, 1676–1678
Andrea Strazzoni
9 Medicine and the Mind in the Teaching of Theodoor Craanen (1633–1688)
Davide Cellamare
10 Cartesius Triumphatus: Gerard de Vries and Opposing Descartes at the University of Utrecht
Daniel Garber
11 Debating Cartesian Philosophy on Both Sides of the Channel: Johannes Schuler’s (1619–1674) Plea for libertas philosophandi
Igor Agostini
12 Descartes by Letter—Teaching Cartesianism in Mid-Seventeenth-Century Cambridge: Henry More, Thomas Clarke and Anne Conway
Sarah Hutton
13 Teaching Descartes’s Ethics in London and Cambridge
Roger Ariew
14 Teaching Magnetism in a Cartesian World, 1650–1700
Christoph Sander
15 The Anatomy of a Condemnation: Descartes’s Theory of Perception and the Louvain Affair, 1637–1671
Mattia Mantovani
16 Descartes’s Theory of Tides in the Louvain Classroom, 1670–1760
Carla Rita Palmerino
17 Traces of the Port-Royal Logic in the Louvain Logic Curricula
Steven Coesemans
18 Cartesianism and the Education of Women
Marie-Frédérique Pellegrin
19 Rohault’s Private Lessons on Cosmology
Mihnea Dobre
20 French Cartesianisms in the 1690s: The Textbooks of Regis and Pourchot
Tad M. Schmaltz