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This volume poses the question of why Christian Aristotelianism has been cancelled from the modern era in the historiography of philosophy. In six chapters on theoretical philosophy – centred around the main figures Suárez, Vázquez, Ruiz de Montoya, Arriaga and Izquierdo – the scandal is explained by the delay with which philosophical medieval studies discovered the 14th century for itself. Catholic innovations of the 16th century – the subject matter of the two chapters on practical philosophy – convey an idea of the extent of the ignorance that is an effect of the modern legend. In the age of the witch trials, the so-called Jesuit morality corroded the belief in torture, and the West owes sexual self-determination to the so-called Jesuit morality. Finally, it is argued that talk of a ‘philosophy of the modern age’ and its contrast to the ‘Middle Ages’ should be regarded merely as a relic of the Kulturkampf.


  • Einleitung Jesuit und Neuzeit
  • Kapitel 1 Meinungsfreiheit? Der Aristotelismus und das Fürwahrhalten unter Willensbeteiligung in der lateinischen Tradition bis 1679
  • Kapitel 2 Vázquez oder die Perception Theory of Judgment
  • Kapitel 3 Suárez, oder Das Cogito und die Krise des Schulbegriffs der Reflexion
  • Kapitel 4 Izquierdo und die Zeitlichkeit des Bewußtseins
  • Kapitel 5 Arriaga oder der Psychologismus als ontologische Option
  • Kapitel 6 Ruiz de Montoya oder die Erfindung des metaphysischen Optimismus
  • Kapitel 7 Spee oder Naturrecht, Folter, Selbstverzicht
  • Kapitel 8 Puella est domina sui corporis. Sexuelle Selbstbestimmung in der Theologie um 1600