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Conference: Materialism in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

Organized by: Aurélien Robert (SPHERE,CNRS). The conference is funded by ANR ANTHRAME project (dir. F. Mariani Zini) & MedPhil project (dir. A. Robert).

Location: Université Paris Cité, Condorcet building – Room Luc Valentin 454A (4th floor)


19 Thursday

The First Debates on Materialism | Chair : Clelia Crialesi (SPHERE-CNRS)
  • Irene Caiazzo (LEM-CNRS-PSL), Materialism in the Twelfth-Century Latin Cosmologies
  • Nadia Bray (Università degli studi di Lecce), The pre-Socratics in Albert’s criticism of David of Dinant

From Materiality to Materialism in the Late Middle Ages

  • Marilena Panarelli (Università degli studi di Palermo/Humboldt Fellow), From Matter to Substance: Rational Analysis of Drug Features in 14th Century Pharmacology
  • Kellie Robertson (University of Maryland), Mastering the Weather: Materiality and the Premodern Natural Disaster

Matter, its Properties and the Status of the Soul | Chair : Chiara Beneduce (SPHERE-CNRS)

  • Olaf Pluta (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), Materialism in the Philosophy of Mind
  • Robert Zambiasi (KULeuven), Can Plants and Non-Human Animals Grow? The ‘Reductionist’ Implications of a Fourteenth-Century Debate
  • Sylvain Roudaut (KU Leuven), Theories of modes and the dangers of « materialism » in the 14th century.
  • Joël Biard (Université de Tours), Blaise de Parme et le matérialisme des « anciens physiciens »: reprise et dépassement

20th Friday

Materialism in Early Modern Universities | Chair: Charles T. Wolfe (Université de Toulouse)

  • Eva Del Soldato (University of Pennsylvania), Did Aristotle support ‘ex nihilo, nihil fit’? An Early Modern Quarrel
  • Luca Burzelli (Universität Siegen – KU Leuven), The Pomponazzi-Affaire, Final Chapter. The human soul as a substance extensa in the commentary on De generatione et corruptione
  • Elisabeth Moreau (Université libre de Bruxelles) Material Propensity and Affinity in Andrea Cesalpino’s Medical Philosophy (1593)

From Ancient and Medieval Theories to Renaissance and Modern Materialism | Chair : Fosca Mariani Zini (Université de Tours)

  • Pietro Daniel Omodeo (Università Ca Foscari – Venezia) Ancient and Medieval Sources of Cosmological Materialism in the Renaissance
  • Ada Palmer (University of Chicago), ,Why So Many Histories of Radicalism Blur the Line Between Atheist and Deist Materialisms ?

Round Table with the participation of Véronique Decaix (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne), Fosca Mariani Zini (Université de Tours), Pierre-Marie Morel (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne), Charles T. Wolfe (Université de Toulouse)