More information | Closing date: 31 March 2020.
The Department of Philosophy at Stockholm University invites applications for a full-time three-year post-doctoral position in the history of philosophy. The position is funded by the Swedish Research Council grant: “The Mechanization of Philosophy between 1300 and 1700” led by professor Henrik Lagerlund.
The Department is looking for a historian of philosophy that specializes in late medieval, late scholastic and/or early modern philosophy to work on the concept of powers and causal powers within the period covered by the project.
The postdoc will be expected to produce high-quality research on the project, individually and in close collaboration with the principal investigator. The Fellow will be expected to publish the results of his/her research in authoritative international journals and conferences and to disseminate them via international conferences, workshops, seminars and other suitable events. The postdoc may also be required to assist with some administrative work related to the project, such as organising related conferences, workshops, and seminars. Teaching duties may be involved but not exceeding 20 % of the workload.