“Franciscans and Scotists on War. John Duns Scotus’s Theology, Anti-Judaism, and Holy War in Early Modernity”, ed by I. Campbell, T. Rester

More information and purchase Franciscan friars were everywhere in the early modern Catholic world, a world that stretched from the Americas, through Western and Central Europe, to the Middle East and Asia. This global brotherhood was as deeply entangled in [...]

By |2025-01-12T13:40:46+00:00January 12th, 2025|News|0 Comments

“Itinerari di filosofia e teologia francescana. Studi offerti in memoria di Marco Arosio”, ed by A. Nannini and I. Zavattero (Open Access)

Download in OA   From the doctrines of the early Parisian Franciscans to the sixteenth-century Spanish disputes involving Franciscans and Dominicans, this collective volume covers three centuries of philosophical and theological thought. The Franciscan perspective is privileged to honor the [...]

By |2022-01-14T15:41:27+00:00January 14th, 2022|News|0 Comments
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